Sunday, May 1, 2011


It's been a while, since my last blog.  A lot has happened in the past month.  One of my major headaches for the school year concluded on Friday - TAKS testing!  I worked about 65-70 hours this week and my body took a beating because of it!  The good news is it's over!  Almost all of the 800+ students at my school took at least one test over the last week.  There were no MAJOR issues and I pretty much nailed my participation rate in every grade level/subject/etc.  My only complaint was the one child who took nearly 10 1/2 hours to complete his test finishing just before 7pm, mind you he started testing at 9 am...With that said, it's done and hopefully I managed not to offend too many people with my "are you seriously asking me that stupid question?!" look...if I did oh well...I think it comes with the job!

Hallelujah, it's done!  I only need to get them safely to the testing office without any hitches =)....


I wasn't a very good dieter last week - lots of fast food, but I was able to stay within my allotted Weight Watchers points. Since my last blog, I'm only down 2 pounds! But I can't complain because I didn't have the healthiest eating habits as I mentioned earlier.  Anyway, I did still manage to lose more inches vs. the pounds.  Overall I dropped about 7.5 inches and another dress size, wooohooo!!!  I'm definitely seeing a difference in my clothes.  A couple of my co-workers have commented on how my clothes are really loose and baggy.  I think that a couple of just want my old clothes, but I'm not giving those up just yet...

One of them asked what my weight loss goal was, and I really didn't know. I thought about it a while, and I thought about how confident and good I looked in college, before the Freshman 40 and thought that might be an ideal goal.  Right now my immediate goal it to get out of plus size clothing to maybe a size 10 or 12.  I've always been a curvy chick, and now thanks to Beyonce' and Nicki Minaj I don't need to look like a crackhead! 

All in all, I feel alot better and my energy is thru the roof at most times!  I definitely know that my endurance is much higher because  I can climb the stairs at work near the teacher parking lot without gasping for air! And I've seen skinny heifers panting after that climb! 

My family is taking their weight loss efforts to the next level and a few co-workers have been inspired to join Weight Watchers as well.  Their interest in my weight loss journey keeps me encouraged to do well and support them as well.

I did explore different workout videos/routines/etc the last month.  A friend of mine, found The Firm Wave workout kit at Wal-Mart for about $20 and after watching the video she gave it to me.  I was so anxious to get home and try it, that I worked out along with the program and could hardly keep up with it.  I was initially discouraged and contemplated giving it back, but I kept trying it.  I will say that it takes some getting used to.
The "wave" platform is a bit awkward initially.  I found myself constantly looking down to make sure I stepped on it correctly, causing me to be "off" from the instructors on the dvd included with the kit.  I think they should have made a more beginner's version.  It goes from a level 1 for about 2 minutes to level 4 for the rest of the hour long workout.  I've used it about once a week since then hoping that as I continue to watch the routines I'll have them memorized and won't continue to fall behind....=)

My next home video workout review is on the Leslie Sansone Walk @ Home series.  I found a good deal on Amazon for the Punch up your Walk & the Walk Bootcamp for about $30 for the pair.  The Punch Up Your Walk comes with some one-pound weighted gloves.  The entire program is a 4 mile walk/punch workout.  So far, I've only been able to complete 3 miles without passing out.  IT'S A GOOD WORKOUT! Be prepared to do a whole lot of sweating. 

The Walk Weight Loss Bootcamp is just that - BOOTCAMP!  The only missing component is a loud angry guy screaming and yelling at you to keep going - but the intensity is INSANITY or P90x-like!  I did this workout about 3 days ago, and my body is just now recouping.  It works really well for working off a lot of stress though, because when you're done, you'll be too tired to argue or fight with anyone! I'm not sure if I'm ready for another round of that one just yet!

Well folks, I'll try not to be so delayed in my future blogs...thanks for reading!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

30 (make that 32) lbs milestone...

I actually missed my 30 lbs milestone blog by two pounds, but hey - to date I'm down 32 lbs!  Woohoo! Honestly, I feel great.  My energy level has been much higher.  And my tolerance for adult ignorance has been even higher :).

I guess the weight loss is becoming more noticeable to my friends and coworkers because many of them have commented on how much smaller I've been looking.  I must say, it's a great feeling being noticed for your hard work and effort. The compliments are even more encouraging! And definitely keeping me motivated.

This week I've been a little sore from my weekend workout.  I was snoozing around YouTube and found some awesome workouts that were pretty easy to follow.  And better yet, they are free-99!!! Go to YouTube and search for SparkPeople.  There are quite a few workout videos posted and most of them are from 5-15 minutes in length.

One of my favorites is the 10 Minute Jump Start Cardio Workout.  Yes, it's only 10 minutes, but its a v-e-r-y action packed 10 minute workout.  I don't know how the lady in this video is able to talk during that 10 minutes, but somehow she seems to keep the viewer engaged and motivated...The other video I've used quite a bit is the 6 minute butt blasting workout.  I've done a combo of both of these over the past few days, and I feel it every time I walk up or down a set of stairs.

I'm glad I found these on You Tube because I've been in search of different workout routines, just so that I can a little variety into my exercise regimen.  I don't want to do the same thing over and over because that tends to get boring over time...I believe my self diagnosed adult ADHD kicks because I lose focus quite easily.

I'll be checking in a few days from now..I'm hopeful that I will hit my 35 pound milestone within a week or so!  Until next time, happy weight loss! 


Monday, March 21, 2011

25 pounds & Insanity...

Good news!  I'm down another 2 pounds this week, bringing my overall weight loss at 25 pounds!  Anyway, about my slim down journey.  I mentioned in my last blog that I played tennis.  I hit up a couple of Zumba classes at the gym and did quite a bit of walking/running at the high school track near where I live. 

So I have a funny story about going to the track for my exercise.  Saturday morning I woke up around 8:30 so I walked up to the track, thinking that would add to my Weight Watchers activity points (I really wanted Pinkberry, but didn't want any major setbacks on my plan) so that was my motivation...I jogged around the track for about a lap and a half, when this old guy walks up.  He had to be at least 75-80 years old.  As I was lapping around, he was doing a few stretches.  So no biggie, I kept walking.  Next thing I know, old dude darts passed me like a bullet.  He looked like Michael Johnson/Carl (whatever his name is). 

I'm thinking, I should be able to keep up with this old guy...He won't keep this pace up very long...Psssh.  Before I knew it, I had run around that track damn near 3 times trying to keep up with him.  I thought I was about to die! He must have known that I was using him as my temporary motivation, because I caught him looking back a few times.  I think he ran faster each time just for a laugh. That's what I get!  I won't pull that mess again.  Next time, I'll let the next senior citizen out perform me on the track...

Anywho, I decided to cancel my gym membership and just use some of the free stuff around my place and the neighborhood.  Since the weather has been so nice, I figured I might as well continue my exercise regimen and save a few dollars in the process.  Since I'm already paid up for the next month, I decided to get my money's worth.  I've gone more in the last 10 days, than I have in the 6 months I've had the membership... This evening I did a kickboxing class.  It wasn't too bad, more aerobics than anything...

Last night, I was channel surfing and ran across one of many paid advertising channels courtesy of DirecTV and saw the Insanity Infomercial.  I was really watching the finess that is Shaun T.  I strongly considered ordering the program.  I have not a shot in hell at completing any of those workouts, but I figure I would enjoy watching him :) We'll see...I might get it, but probably not.  I think I can just workout with the Infomercial and do more high impact exercising in 15 minutes than I would an hour at the gym.  That program is crazy.  If I can get through one, one-armed push up I'll consider it progress. The idea of earning an "Insanity" t-shirt is rewarding...I debated to just google it and see if anyone was selling one on eBay, but I figured that would be cheating...

Thats all folks...until next time!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring Break 2011...

Hello all,

Well folks it's Spring Break 2011!  This time last year, I was somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico sailing in route to Belize, Honduras, and Cozymel...Not this year...

So much has changed in the course of the last 365 days with me and some of my closest friends.  I don't think any of us would have imagined what God had in store for us during this time. There were a group of about 20 of us who set sail last Spring Break.  In the group we now have a new mommy and a wifey-to-be this summer.  I look back at the changes and it makes me happy and sad at the same time...We all seem to be "growing" up, but I don't wanna grow up yet!   But all in all, I am very happy for my friends and wish them all the success and happiness that life has in store for them...

Anyway, enough reminiscing about last year's Spring Break adventures and on to the weight loss mission. Because it's Spring Break and I'm obviously not traveling this year, I've tried to keep busy with various activities.  Yesterday, myself and a few friends met up to play tennis.  I have always wanted to learn tennis, so this created an opportunity for me to do so with a group with the same playing ability as myself.  We were pretty much just trying to keep a volley, excuse me, rally going the whole time not paying any particular attention to where the ball was landing or worrying about whether or not we were doing it correctly.  Fortunately, Coach Florie set us all straight, once he completed his beauty sleep :).  I really enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to getting out on the court again.  So if any of you are interested - look me up!  Venus and Serena ain't got nothin' on me!  (insert laughter here).

Today, I ventured up to the local track and field, to get my Marion Jones on (minus the performance enhancers and steroids).  I did 10 laps around the track, mixing it up with a walk and run each lap.  I'm noticing that I'm able to run for longer distances without needing an oxygen tank afterwards.  So I guess, I am making progress.  After that, I headed to do a quick Zumba fitness class.  I took the opportunity to get a booty-shaking workout (minus the granddad looking old men drooling at the window).  

I figured I might as well be as active as I can this week while being out for Spring Break.  Because my schedule will be crazy with testing in the upcoming weeks...I truly despise this time of year.  So I'm asking that all my friends, family, and co-workers excuse my behavior over the next 4-6 weeks.  Don't take it personal, it comes with the job of being the campus test coordinator of the United Nations in DISD.
Until next time!


P.S. Yes, my hair was short last week!  This week it is not!  Don't judge, but its difficult to maintain a short hair style and workout! #teamweaveinfullaffect LOL!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Testing drama = weight loss!

Hello all,

Here's my update regarding my weight loss journey...

Yesterday, I was able to leave the school early enough to get a decent workout in before the crowd arrived.  I still wonder why I joined a gym with a McDonald's right in front of it.  It seems like an oxymoron to have them placed in the same shopping center. I was craving those darn addictive fries more than a pregnant woman craving pickles with peanut butter and marshmallows.

Surprisingly! I'm down 5 pounds this week. Woohoo!  I would like to think that the dieting and exercising have been paying off, but I attribute this week's weight loss to being too busy to sit down for a decent meal with testing going on this week.  Trying to ensure 40 testing rooms across 3 floors, have everything they need adds to the intensity.  Unfortunately, using the elevator just slows me down.  So there is one day left of testing.  Hopefully day 3 goes more smoothly than the first two.  One might think that the same routine for two days would be second nature on the third, but who knows! (fingers crossed!). 

I'll be turning in the writing tests in the morning.  It's usually a tedious process of watching someone else count my test materials and look for mistakes.  I'm hopeful that my test materials are on point and will suffer little criticisms.  Wish me luck!


P.S. On a side note, if the price of gas keeps going up, I may be losing weight faster than originally planned.  I'll be peddling to work on a bike instead of driving.  It cost me $40 to put half a tank of gas in my car. If you see me walking, don't point and laugh - offer me a ride, please!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mediocre week dieting...

Hello all,

It's been a minute since I last posted on my weight loss journey...I've been so consumed with work issues, that I haven't taken the time to share my thoughts with the world.  There's quite a bit going on, especially on the work front...Testing is fastly approaching and my stress levels are rising day by day.  Lately, I been so busy "training" for testing, preparing tests, that I'm starting to think about this foolishness in my sleep.  I haven't been eating as healthy as I should be either...well kind of.

Yesterday, we celebrated the birthday of our fabulous office everything, Michelle.  Santa cooked turkey burgers and everyone else pitched in on the sides.  We typically, throw down in the "224" birthday celebrations.  I mean we throw down!  In the past we chowed down on fried chicken from Popeye's, Wing Stop, Cristian's Mom's homemade Mexican food, jambalaya, pizza hut pizza and pasta, this list just goes on...I can probably blame about 15 pounds on the 224 b-day celebrations...But this time we all went the healthy route.  I slowly gained an acquired taste for turkey burgers in the past few months since joining the WW program. Some of the folks who tried turkey burgers for the first time became converts as well.  Santa threw down on those burgers, too! They were really good and seasoned to perfection.  I like the idea of eating healthy food without sacrificing flavor.

I think its good to have a support system around to help achieve your weight loss goals.  There are a couple of us in the office on the weight watchers program, so it helps keeping all of us accountable to the program.  In fact, yesterday morning, I stopped at McDonald's for a cup of coffee because I actually had a few minutes to kill.  And I ended up buying a sausage biscuit too.  I felt a little guilty even taking it in the school because I knew one of the Weight Watcher's police would have something to smart to say.  I'm not even sure if anyone noticed the bag.  I did kinda hide it in my briefcase until I got to my office. 

I was presenting to the staff all day in the media center, so I took it with me, hoping to get a few minutes to actually eat.  Unfortunately, I never did.  I had to present back to back from 2nd to 6th period (in non-school terms that from 9:15 to 2:00).  I end up throwing it out because it had sat out all day.  I guess I didn't need it after all. 

So today was our African-American History Month Program.  I wanted to dress up because I was on the committee for like 5 minutes...I put on this black dress that I've had for several years and several sizes ago.  But it still looks fairly modern for the times.  I know you're thinking I was probably rocking a dress from the 80s or something, but no, it wasn't that long ago.  I'd say maybe 7-8 years or so. Anyway, I put it on this morning hoping it would fit.  When I looked in the mirror, it didn't scream take it off! take it off!" So I assumed it was ok.  Well I guess it was, because I received quite a few compliments about it.  So you know that always makes a woman smile. Smiling even though my feet were killing me...I had a pair of flats in my office, but I was trying to be cute...So I strutted up and down those halls like nothing was wrong.  You can bet, I'm paying for it now...

Tomorrow we will celebrate with homestyle, southern cooking from Black Eye Pea restaurant.  I know its not very soulful, but hey they are approved district vendors that were friendly when called for a price check :)...So I will be cutting into my weekly allowance points on the program..but it's ok, because I budgeted for it! I got 40 weekly bonus points I haven't touched yet...

Well that's all for now...I will try to do better on posting my random thoughts on a more frequent basis-especially about the weight loss journey...


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day...

Happy Valentine's day folks! Of course, the weight loss journey continues.  I've been off my game quite a bit this week, fortunately it didn't equate to too much damage on the scale.  In fact, I'm down a pound after another day of hibernation due to a winter storm quickie Wednesday.  I decided to treat myself to one of my back-home country favorites: fried chicken livers.  It's a good thing, that not too many restaurants make them so they are pretty hard to come by.  But thank goodness for Golden Chick.

I figured that I schedule some extra activity this week to work off all the grease I consumed from my country town favorites.  So, I went to the outdoor track at Hillcrest HS and walked, jogged, skipped, knee lifted, etc.  I actually had a lot of fun.  I know the other people out there were looking at me like I was crazy, which is probably what made it so much more entertaining for me.

I haven't reached the stage were I'm obsessed with working out, but I think about some sort of daily activity.  Since the weather was so nice this weekend, I did my workouts outside yesterday and today. I might find myself looking for more outside activities to keep active. Which is definitely good for the Weight Watchers program, because they dropped me down another point this week.  I'm going to have to work out to keep my mind of eating.  I guess that's the point!  Just wish it wasn't so soon.  Those darn points add up fast. 

On a side note, I had a great weekend: a visit with an old college friend, a productive phone conversation, awesome church service (I believe Pastor Autry was speaking directly to me in his sermon), and a great spa day. Gotta go, watching the Real Housewives of Atlanta Reunion Show.  Heard NeNe say something funny, I could work out, but I don't want to. I'll get lypo....

This is a mess already...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Super" Ice Storm of N. Texas - Day 3

Well its the third day of being completely iced in for what was projected to be a very action packed week.  A week complete Super Bowl festivities, parties, and bumper to bumper traffic.  After 3 days of constant news watching and anticipation of whether or not we would be off the next day for a snow day, cabin fever set in.  I was determined to see if everything was as bad as the newscasters were insisting it was.  So, yesterday I ventured out to see for myself.  I went a total of 0.4 miles to my neighborhood grocery store.  Let me tell you, my journey to the car was no walk in the park.  I had initially debated walking to the grocery store, until I came to my senses.  My condo has a front and rear door with really steep stairs on both sides.  So after careful examination, I determined that the front stairs would offer me the best bang for my buck and not busting my butt on the icy stairs.

If ya'll could have seen me trying to get down those stairs.  I packed all of my stuff inside of those little athletic bags, so keep my hands free.  My mom would  have been so proud of how well I bundled up.  It took me about 5 minutes to get down 1 flight of stairs, but I wasn't taking any chances of becoming the latest victim of an icy disaster.  I looked like a lil' old lady trotted down those stairs one by one. After I finally got the last step, I reached another obstacle.  The doggone sidewalk looked like the ice rink at the Galleria.  After the first step, I slid about 4 feet down the sidewalk.  For a quick minute, I pondered on carrying my crazy butt back in the house, but I toughed it out.  Walking to the store was definitely out of the question, so I skated on to the car.  I felt like one of those cartoon characters who steps out in an icy pond listening to the ice crack beneath my feet.  Fortunately, we have covered parking so I was able to skate under and walk safely to my car. 

So I finally make it to the grocery store, not for anything in particular, well except maybe a bottle of White Zinfadel and fried chicken.  I thought, since I'm out, I might as well, pick up the basics like milk, eggs, bread, etc.  Somehow, alot of other people had the same idea, because the only milk options were Soy.  Some brown eggs, not sure I've ever purchased those, and my low cal whole wheat bread was out.  I felt bad for the employees of the store, because a few people were angry about the limited options, but one of the cashiers explained that they were suffering from the storm also, because their deliveries couldn't get to them.  I didn't complain, because I wasn't looking for anything anyway.  They had my wine, and that was alright with me!

I will say, it is really difficult trying to eat healthy and stay active, when the city is completely paralyzed during a storm.  Despite the bear shelves and limited options, I managed to not over indulge.  I did satisfy my fried chicken craving picking up a few pieces from the Tom Thumb deli.  Its sometimes hit or miss on taste, but they were right on point this time.  It's no Popeye's, but it was good enough without me risking my life slippin' and slidin' all over Dallas for some fried chicken.  I did manage to get a little exercise in yesterday with Bollywood Dance on FitTV.  I had on my DVR from another time.  I imagine my neighbor below was plenty pissed when I decided that I would give the dance number 100%.  I don't mind, she's not the friendliest neighbor anyway.  I will say, that Bollywood dancing is no joke.  It's almost or real close to being as bad as Zumba.  It's constant movement for nearly 30 minutes.  Thankfully, I did manage to keep up with the entire routine without passing out.

 Today, after getting word that our district was closing for another snow day, I ventured out to 24 hour fitness.  Of course, the usual workout fanatics were there hogging all the treadmills, exercise bikes, and elliptical machines.  Unfortunately, my "trainer" wasn't in today because of the weather.  I'll have to tell you about him another time. Funny story.  So I stretched for nearly 15 minutes secretly stalking a treadmill.  Finally, one became available for my 30 min walk-run-walk-walk-walk routine.  Baby steps, people, baby steps.  I completed the workout with some arm workouts.  I'm sure I feel it in the morning. 

On the way home I thought, the roads are bad as hell.  They were not joking.  At some points, it felt like I was driving over unpaved roads.  I did conclude, that it was just not safe to venture to much farther out, so I carried my butt back home.

Other than that, these past three days, I've been on the computer surfing the web.  I stumbled on a great website that listed several sweepstakes that were being offered.  So I entered my named in about 40 different sweepstakes.  I figured, what the heck, I've got nothing to lose.  None of them cost me anything other than the electricity I used surfing.  Which I'm extremely thankful, I was able to do.  Many of my friends from all over the state posted about being caught up in the rolling blackouts.  I was fortunate enough to not have been impacted by those.  I guess it helps being sandwiched between 2 major hospitals and living near a bunch of elderly people.  Because our electricity never even flickered.

Well we'll see what tomorrow has in store.  Hopefully, I'll be posting on my NFL experience visit I plan to make with some friends tomorrow.  I just hope this weather cooperates.  My next blog will hopefully chronicle how I manage to stay within my Weight Watchers points and still be able to party Super Bowl style!

Monday, January 31, 2011

thought of the day Jan. 31, 2011

As an employee of the education field, I wonder sometimes what makes a child so angry that they want to fight so early in the morning.  Hey don't get me wrong, I'm not a morning person either, but I can't think of anyone I would physically want to kick their a$$ at 8:00 o'clock in the morning! I mean really...

Anywho, it seems the DFW area is all abuzz about the Super Bowl which is only 6 days away.  Trust me we get a constant reminder every time we turn on the TV or radio.  In fact, breaking news on Thursday morning was about the opening of the NFL experience, and not the apartment fire happening in North Dallas! I guess I'm excited also...although not looking forward to all the traffic, not to mention the "snow storm" headed our way tomorrow.  I went to the grocery store today, as I do every Monday when I get off work to pick up a few things, and people were shopping as if we were about to enter into a nuclear Holocaust over what I believe will be about 20 snowflakes...But I guess when you're not used to the artic weather, people tend to overact sometimes.

So I decided I better cook dinner so that I might have leftovers for work tomorrow, because I know NO ONE will be leaving to go out for a lunch run with snow/sleet mixture falling around lunch time.  Which is better, I tend to stick to my diet better when I don't go out to eat.  Kinda hard making healthy choices from fast food restaurants that actually taste good.  So I will be having grilled chicken breast, brown rice, steamed veggies, and about 40 oz of water.  Yes, I'm behind on my water intake for the day!  And yes, I'll probably be up most of the night for late night pee pee breaks!

Well that's all to you later...