Sunday, May 1, 2011


It's been a while, since my last blog.  A lot has happened in the past month.  One of my major headaches for the school year concluded on Friday - TAKS testing!  I worked about 65-70 hours this week and my body took a beating because of it!  The good news is it's over!  Almost all of the 800+ students at my school took at least one test over the last week.  There were no MAJOR issues and I pretty much nailed my participation rate in every grade level/subject/etc.  My only complaint was the one child who took nearly 10 1/2 hours to complete his test finishing just before 7pm, mind you he started testing at 9 am...With that said, it's done and hopefully I managed not to offend too many people with my "are you seriously asking me that stupid question?!" look...if I did oh well...I think it comes with the job!

Hallelujah, it's done!  I only need to get them safely to the testing office without any hitches =)....


I wasn't a very good dieter last week - lots of fast food, but I was able to stay within my allotted Weight Watchers points. Since my last blog, I'm only down 2 pounds! But I can't complain because I didn't have the healthiest eating habits as I mentioned earlier.  Anyway, I did still manage to lose more inches vs. the pounds.  Overall I dropped about 7.5 inches and another dress size, wooohooo!!!  I'm definitely seeing a difference in my clothes.  A couple of my co-workers have commented on how my clothes are really loose and baggy.  I think that a couple of just want my old clothes, but I'm not giving those up just yet...

One of them asked what my weight loss goal was, and I really didn't know. I thought about it a while, and I thought about how confident and good I looked in college, before the Freshman 40 and thought that might be an ideal goal.  Right now my immediate goal it to get out of plus size clothing to maybe a size 10 or 12.  I've always been a curvy chick, and now thanks to Beyonce' and Nicki Minaj I don't need to look like a crackhead! 

All in all, I feel alot better and my energy is thru the roof at most times!  I definitely know that my endurance is much higher because  I can climb the stairs at work near the teacher parking lot without gasping for air! And I've seen skinny heifers panting after that climb! 

My family is taking their weight loss efforts to the next level and a few co-workers have been inspired to join Weight Watchers as well.  Their interest in my weight loss journey keeps me encouraged to do well and support them as well.

I did explore different workout videos/routines/etc the last month.  A friend of mine, found The Firm Wave workout kit at Wal-Mart for about $20 and after watching the video she gave it to me.  I was so anxious to get home and try it, that I worked out along with the program and could hardly keep up with it.  I was initially discouraged and contemplated giving it back, but I kept trying it.  I will say that it takes some getting used to.
The "wave" platform is a bit awkward initially.  I found myself constantly looking down to make sure I stepped on it correctly, causing me to be "off" from the instructors on the dvd included with the kit.  I think they should have made a more beginner's version.  It goes from a level 1 for about 2 minutes to level 4 for the rest of the hour long workout.  I've used it about once a week since then hoping that as I continue to watch the routines I'll have them memorized and won't continue to fall behind....=)

My next home video workout review is on the Leslie Sansone Walk @ Home series.  I found a good deal on Amazon for the Punch up your Walk & the Walk Bootcamp for about $30 for the pair.  The Punch Up Your Walk comes with some one-pound weighted gloves.  The entire program is a 4 mile walk/punch workout.  So far, I've only been able to complete 3 miles without passing out.  IT'S A GOOD WORKOUT! Be prepared to do a whole lot of sweating. 

The Walk Weight Loss Bootcamp is just that - BOOTCAMP!  The only missing component is a loud angry guy screaming and yelling at you to keep going - but the intensity is INSANITY or P90x-like!  I did this workout about 3 days ago, and my body is just now recouping.  It works really well for working off a lot of stress though, because when you're done, you'll be too tired to argue or fight with anyone! I'm not sure if I'm ready for another round of that one just yet!

Well folks, I'll try not to be so delayed in my future blogs...thanks for reading!!!


  1. I'm with you but this is my second week, last week I only lost 8 oz. but then there was Easter:) I'm hitching my little wagon to your star!

  2. Awesome!!! Keep it going!! I know that I plan to get on board more now that this stressful past week is done. I am looking online now for that walking DVD!!

  3. ok lets get back started with this!!
