Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Testing drama = weight loss!

Hello all,

Here's my update regarding my weight loss journey...

Yesterday, I was able to leave the school early enough to get a decent workout in before the crowd arrived.  I still wonder why I joined a gym with a McDonald's right in front of it.  It seems like an oxymoron to have them placed in the same shopping center. I was craving those darn addictive fries more than a pregnant woman craving pickles with peanut butter and marshmallows.

Surprisingly! I'm down 5 pounds this week. Woohoo!  I would like to think that the dieting and exercising have been paying off, but I attribute this week's weight loss to being too busy to sit down for a decent meal with testing going on this week.  Trying to ensure 40 testing rooms across 3 floors, have everything they need adds to the intensity.  Unfortunately, using the elevator just slows me down.  So there is one day left of testing.  Hopefully day 3 goes more smoothly than the first two.  One might think that the same routine for two days would be second nature on the third, but who knows! (fingers crossed!). 

I'll be turning in the writing tests in the morning.  It's usually a tedious process of watching someone else count my test materials and look for mistakes.  I'm hopeful that my test materials are on point and will suffer little criticisms.  Wish me luck!


P.S. On a side note, if the price of gas keeps going up, I may be losing weight faster than originally planned.  I'll be peddling to work on a bike instead of driving.  It cost me $40 to put half a tank of gas in my car. If you see me walking, don't point and laugh - offer me a ride, please!


  1. good luck on day 3! nice read!

  2. Following you now from Bloggy Moms! Would love if you could return teh favor Thanks!

  3. Thanks to you both! I'm following you both also..I look forward to reading your blogs!

  4. Congratulations on your positive results this week! LOL @ the gas comments!

  5. Congratulations on the 5lbs! I'm right there with you, planning to have 20-25 more off by the end of June, Cardo, Cardio, Cardio!

  6. Hi! I am a new follower from and I would like to invite you to link up with the Terrific Thursday blog hop at!

    Happy Thursday!

  7. Hello, stopping by for a visit from Bloggy Moms! I look forward to seeing your around. Tonight was my first night with my personal trainer. My goal is to get rid of 30 lbs by the end of June. I wish us luck!


  8. Good luck ;) I've been thinking about biking instead of driving. I love biking.

    I'm following from bloggy moms.

  9. Congrats on your weight loss!! And YAY for biking! :) What a great way to exercise! Following you from Bloggy Moms.


  10. Stopping by from Bloggy Moms to follow!! Great job ob your weight loss!
    Looking forward to your visit @

  11. Congrats on your weight loss, that's great! Im your newest follower from Bloggy Moms and look forward to you stopping by and sharing your comments!!! Make it a great day, Susanna

  12. Congratulations on your progress so far! I wish I had the willpower to stick with a weight loss plan. Your comment about the gas made me laugh - albeit a painful laugh since it pains me to think how high gas prices are getting. I may be walking right along with you!

    Found you on Bloggy Moms.
