Wednesday, March 30, 2011

30 (make that 32) lbs milestone...

I actually missed my 30 lbs milestone blog by two pounds, but hey - to date I'm down 32 lbs!  Woohoo! Honestly, I feel great.  My energy level has been much higher.  And my tolerance for adult ignorance has been even higher :).

I guess the weight loss is becoming more noticeable to my friends and coworkers because many of them have commented on how much smaller I've been looking.  I must say, it's a great feeling being noticed for your hard work and effort. The compliments are even more encouraging! And definitely keeping me motivated.

This week I've been a little sore from my weekend workout.  I was snoozing around YouTube and found some awesome workouts that were pretty easy to follow.  And better yet, they are free-99!!! Go to YouTube and search for SparkPeople.  There are quite a few workout videos posted and most of them are from 5-15 minutes in length.

One of my favorites is the 10 Minute Jump Start Cardio Workout.  Yes, it's only 10 minutes, but its a v-e-r-y action packed 10 minute workout.  I don't know how the lady in this video is able to talk during that 10 minutes, but somehow she seems to keep the viewer engaged and motivated...The other video I've used quite a bit is the 6 minute butt blasting workout.  I've done a combo of both of these over the past few days, and I feel it every time I walk up or down a set of stairs.

I'm glad I found these on You Tube because I've been in search of different workout routines, just so that I can a little variety into my exercise regimen.  I don't want to do the same thing over and over because that tends to get boring over time...I believe my self diagnosed adult ADHD kicks because I lose focus quite easily.

I'll be checking in a few days from now..I'm hopeful that I will hit my 35 pound milestone within a week or so!  Until next time, happy weight loss! 


Monday, March 21, 2011

25 pounds & Insanity...

Good news!  I'm down another 2 pounds this week, bringing my overall weight loss at 25 pounds!  Anyway, about my slim down journey.  I mentioned in my last blog that I played tennis.  I hit up a couple of Zumba classes at the gym and did quite a bit of walking/running at the high school track near where I live. 

So I have a funny story about going to the track for my exercise.  Saturday morning I woke up around 8:30 so I walked up to the track, thinking that would add to my Weight Watchers activity points (I really wanted Pinkberry, but didn't want any major setbacks on my plan) so that was my motivation...I jogged around the track for about a lap and a half, when this old guy walks up.  He had to be at least 75-80 years old.  As I was lapping around, he was doing a few stretches.  So no biggie, I kept walking.  Next thing I know, old dude darts passed me like a bullet.  He looked like Michael Johnson/Carl (whatever his name is). 

I'm thinking, I should be able to keep up with this old guy...He won't keep this pace up very long...Psssh.  Before I knew it, I had run around that track damn near 3 times trying to keep up with him.  I thought I was about to die! He must have known that I was using him as my temporary motivation, because I caught him looking back a few times.  I think he ran faster each time just for a laugh. That's what I get!  I won't pull that mess again.  Next time, I'll let the next senior citizen out perform me on the track...

Anywho, I decided to cancel my gym membership and just use some of the free stuff around my place and the neighborhood.  Since the weather has been so nice, I figured I might as well continue my exercise regimen and save a few dollars in the process.  Since I'm already paid up for the next month, I decided to get my money's worth.  I've gone more in the last 10 days, than I have in the 6 months I've had the membership... This evening I did a kickboxing class.  It wasn't too bad, more aerobics than anything...

Last night, I was channel surfing and ran across one of many paid advertising channels courtesy of DirecTV and saw the Insanity Infomercial.  I was really watching the finess that is Shaun T.  I strongly considered ordering the program.  I have not a shot in hell at completing any of those workouts, but I figure I would enjoy watching him :) We'll see...I might get it, but probably not.  I think I can just workout with the Infomercial and do more high impact exercising in 15 minutes than I would an hour at the gym.  That program is crazy.  If I can get through one, one-armed push up I'll consider it progress. The idea of earning an "Insanity" t-shirt is rewarding...I debated to just google it and see if anyone was selling one on eBay, but I figured that would be cheating...

Thats all folks...until next time!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring Break 2011...

Hello all,

Well folks it's Spring Break 2011!  This time last year, I was somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico sailing in route to Belize, Honduras, and Cozymel...Not this year...

So much has changed in the course of the last 365 days with me and some of my closest friends.  I don't think any of us would have imagined what God had in store for us during this time. There were a group of about 20 of us who set sail last Spring Break.  In the group we now have a new mommy and a wifey-to-be this summer.  I look back at the changes and it makes me happy and sad at the same time...We all seem to be "growing" up, but I don't wanna grow up yet!   But all in all, I am very happy for my friends and wish them all the success and happiness that life has in store for them...

Anyway, enough reminiscing about last year's Spring Break adventures and on to the weight loss mission. Because it's Spring Break and I'm obviously not traveling this year, I've tried to keep busy with various activities.  Yesterday, myself and a few friends met up to play tennis.  I have always wanted to learn tennis, so this created an opportunity for me to do so with a group with the same playing ability as myself.  We were pretty much just trying to keep a volley, excuse me, rally going the whole time not paying any particular attention to where the ball was landing or worrying about whether or not we were doing it correctly.  Fortunately, Coach Florie set us all straight, once he completed his beauty sleep :).  I really enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to getting out on the court again.  So if any of you are interested - look me up!  Venus and Serena ain't got nothin' on me!  (insert laughter here).

Today, I ventured up to the local track and field, to get my Marion Jones on (minus the performance enhancers and steroids).  I did 10 laps around the track, mixing it up with a walk and run each lap.  I'm noticing that I'm able to run for longer distances without needing an oxygen tank afterwards.  So I guess, I am making progress.  After that, I headed to do a quick Zumba fitness class.  I took the opportunity to get a booty-shaking workout (minus the granddad looking old men drooling at the window).  

I figured I might as well be as active as I can this week while being out for Spring Break.  Because my schedule will be crazy with testing in the upcoming weeks...I truly despise this time of year.  So I'm asking that all my friends, family, and co-workers excuse my behavior over the next 4-6 weeks.  Don't take it personal, it comes with the job of being the campus test coordinator of the United Nations in DISD.
Until next time!


P.S. Yes, my hair was short last week!  This week it is not!  Don't judge, but its difficult to maintain a short hair style and workout! #teamweaveinfullaffect LOL!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Testing drama = weight loss!

Hello all,

Here's my update regarding my weight loss journey...

Yesterday, I was able to leave the school early enough to get a decent workout in before the crowd arrived.  I still wonder why I joined a gym with a McDonald's right in front of it.  It seems like an oxymoron to have them placed in the same shopping center. I was craving those darn addictive fries more than a pregnant woman craving pickles with peanut butter and marshmallows.

Surprisingly! I'm down 5 pounds this week. Woohoo!  I would like to think that the dieting and exercising have been paying off, but I attribute this week's weight loss to being too busy to sit down for a decent meal with testing going on this week.  Trying to ensure 40 testing rooms across 3 floors, have everything they need adds to the intensity.  Unfortunately, using the elevator just slows me down.  So there is one day left of testing.  Hopefully day 3 goes more smoothly than the first two.  One might think that the same routine for two days would be second nature on the third, but who knows! (fingers crossed!). 

I'll be turning in the writing tests in the morning.  It's usually a tedious process of watching someone else count my test materials and look for mistakes.  I'm hopeful that my test materials are on point and will suffer little criticisms.  Wish me luck!


P.S. On a side note, if the price of gas keeps going up, I may be losing weight faster than originally planned.  I'll be peddling to work on a bike instead of driving.  It cost me $40 to put half a tank of gas in my car. If you see me walking, don't point and laugh - offer me a ride, please!